Jasmin Johnson Jasmin Johnson

broken bread

a long short story about love. written while wearing a bonnet.

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Jasmin Johnson Jasmin Johnson

the idea of excess

“ It’s not just that we exceed the limits of a propriety that was made to regulate our fullness of joy, but it’s also, and most crucially, that we’re always already in the formation of an alterity that will rip the world apart: a formation of colored queers fucking and assembling at the end of their anarchic rainbow.”

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Jasmin Johnson Jasmin Johnson

It Was All A Dream

this story surrounds sexual assault and recovery. proceed with gentle care.

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Jasmin Johnson Jasmin Johnson

History of a Rebellious Island

gabe clarke pens her experience of teaching in jamaica and living with family on the island. this piece reads like a journal at the end of a long day, body immersed in a bath of lavender and eucalyptus.

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Jasmin Johnson Jasmin Johnson

licorice like midnight

“his lips went numb. cold beer warmed his gut. scattered cursing and high-pitched chatter poured in through milena’s cracked window and musty thick air seeped into the apartment. he took a long pull from the dutch between his fingers and his eyelids fell heavy and pitiful.”

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